Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Dakwaan 1:
SPR telah sengaja membetulkan sempadan kawasan pilihan raya DUN dan Parlimen tanpa kelulusan Parlimen bertujuan meramaikan pengundi di satu-satu kawasan bagi membolehkan Barisan Nasional beroleh kemenangan pada PRU Ke-13 nanti
Dakwaan tersebut merupakan suatu fitnah dan tidak berasas sama sekali. SPR tidak pernah melakukan apa-apa perubahan terhadap sempadan kawasan atau bahagian pilihan raya sama ada DUN atau pun Parlimen kerana urusan berkenaan hanya dapat dilakukan apabila tiba masanya mengikut peruntukan Perkara 113(A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
SPR telah pun mengeluarkan pengumuman bahawa urusan kajian semula persempadanan bahagian-bahagian pilihan raya hanya akan dijalankan apabila tiba masanya selepas PRU-13. SPR akan mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi berhubung dengan perkara tersebut apabila tiba masanya nanti.
Oleh kerana kedudukan Lokaliti berkenaan telah tersalah letak, maka selaras dengan peruntukan undang-undang SPR perlu membetulkan kedudukan Lokaliti tersebut di dalam bahagian pilihan raya yang sepatutnya pemilih di dalam Lokaliti berkenaan didaftarkan.
SPR menyedari kedudukan beberapa Lokaliti yang tersalah letak di dalam bahagian pilihan raya hanya selepas Sistem EGIS (Electoral Geographical Information System) digunapakai dalam tahun 2004.
Melalui peruntukan kuasa yang ada, SPR telah membuat pembetulan kedudukan Lokaliti yang tersalah letak di seluruh negara yang melibatkan jumlah pemilih seramai 19,342 orang. Pemilih-pemilih mengikut Lokaliti-lokaliti berkenaan perlu ditempatkan di dalam kawasan pilihan raya yang sebenarnya seperti yang wujud di lapangan.
Perlu ditekankan bahawa pembetulan Lokaliti-lokaliti yang dibuat itu tidak sama sekali melibatkan perubahan kepada mana-mana garis sempadan bahagian pilihan raya sama ada DUN ataupun Parlimen. Sebaliknya dengan pembetulan kedudukan pemilih mengikut Lokaliti yang terlibat maka mereka akan mengundi di dalam bahagian pilihan raya yang betul mengikut kedudukan alamatnya di dalam Daerah Mengundi dan DUN yang sebenarnya.
Tetapi ramai pemilih yang memberi maklumbalas kepada SPR mereka tidak menyedari telah berlaku pembetulan kedudukan nama mereka mengikut Lokaliti di mana mereka didaftarkan. Oleh yang demikian, dalam menghadapi PRU-13 akan datang, SPR akan menulis surat pemberitahuan perkara tersebut kepada semua pemilih yang terlibat di semua kawasan yang berkenaan di seluruh negara.
Justeru, SPR ingin menegaskan sekali lagi bahawa dengan tindakan membetulkan kedudukan nama pemilih di dalam Lokaliti berkenaan iaitu dengan meletakkannya di dalam bahagian pilihan raya yang sebenar mengikut kedudukan di lapangan, ia sama sekali tidak melibatkan apa-apa perubahan kepada garis sempadan kawasan atau bahagian pilihan raya sama ada DUN ataupun Parlimen.
Mana-mana pihak yang ingin mendapat penjelasan secara lebih lanjut berhubung dengan perkara ini, mereka bolehlah menghubungi mana-mana Pejabat SPR yang berkenaan.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
ON 24TH APRIL 2012 (TUESDAY), AT 3.00 PM
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Selamat Petang dan Salam Satu Malaysia.
- Terlebih dahulu saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang hadir pada hari ini. Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Illahi kerana dengan berkat and limpah kurnia-Nya dapat kita bersama di Majlis ini yang merupakan satu lagi inisiatif yang diambil oleh pihak Kerajaan untuk meneruskan program transformasi negara ini.
- It is my pleasure to be present today for the launch of the Talent Roadmap 2020. The talent agenda is one very close to my heart as I truly believe that talent is the key ingredient to our success as a nation. Our people define our country. Malaysia is what it is because of you, my fellow Malaysians.
- Malaysia’s journey thus far has been a great success. Transforming from a resource based, low income nation to a modern industrial upper middle income country was not easy. It was the culmination of hard work and the effective partnership between the Government and the people.
- However, we cannot rest on past laurels. We must progress towards greater heights and realize our potential to join the ranks of leading nations of the world. As a nation, we are well on our journey towards Vision 2020. What once appeared an ambition, we have since translated into a detailed plan of action. The Government has initiated a holistic transformation agenda, which will culminate into the National Transformation Policy 2011 – 2020.
- The transformation programmes have been formulated through extensive consultation with the rakyat and focused on achieving a higher quality of life and sustainable prosperity for all Malaysians. Our transformation agenda is therefore by the people and for the people. We will only succeed if the transformation is made, with the people. Only through harnessing the collective might of Malaysians, can we translate our goals into reality.
- We often characterize our goal of Vision 2020 in terms of raising our per capita income to at least US$ 15,000. But our goals are not about achieving an economic statistic. It is about a sustainable future where all Malaysians have the opportunity of a rewarding and high quality of life.
- We cannot be on the road to a knowledge intensive and innovation led economy without talent to drive it. Malaysia has talent, indeed we have global talent. Over decades, consistent and substantial investments by the Government into human capital development have developed Malaysians of international standing. The only problem is that the world knows it and therefore, Malaysia has to compete for its own talent.
- We can ill afford to lose our talent. A country lacking talent would have industries impeded from investing and growing. This is turn dampens job opportunities which could then result in an exodus of talent, triggering avicious cycle of fewer talent and a weakened economy.
- In benchmarking ourselves against developed nations, Malaysia will need to be globally competitive in its ability to produce, attract and retain talent. Addressing the underlying issues affecting our talent environment requires all stakeholders, public and private sector to play their part. The Government has initiated wide ranging structural reform, including the Education Review, Ministry of Higher Education’s Employability initiatives, Labour Law reform, New Economic Model and enhancing liveability through the GTP.
- To complement these structural reforms, we will catalyse change. The ETP drives transformative investments, which in turn creates high value added employment opportunities. At the same time, the Government will also catalyse talent interventions to boost talent availability to drive investments. Working in tandem, driving investments and talent is intended to spur a virtuous cycle of catalytic investments, which create jobs, hence attract talents, which in turn supports further transformative investments.
- With this in mind, Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad was established. After a year, TalentCorp has made good progress in driving policy initiatives such as the Returning Experts Programme and the Residence Pass in addition to talent engagement both here and abroad. The launch of “Talent Roadmap 2020” is to articulate TalentCorp’s role and plan of action to scale up impact towards delivering greater talent availability, in line with the ETP.
- TalentCorp was established with a mandate as the focal point on the talent needs for the priority sectors of the economy. This entails working closely with leading employers and relevant Government agencies, to ascertain critical skill gaps and talent issues. To address issues, TalentCorp will drive catalytic talent interventions, whether through policy, public private collaboration and TalentCorp itself directly implementing initiatives. To this end, the Talent Roadmap 2020 identifies three strategic thrusts for talent interventions namely:
- Optimise Malaysian Talent;
- Attract And Facilitate Global Talent;
- Build Networks of Top Talent
- Strategic Thrust 1 focuses on optimizing Malaysian talent, recognizing that ultimately Malaysian talent is the most important and sustainable pipeline of talent to meet the needs of future development. At the same time, Strategic Thrust 2 of attracting and facilitate global talent recognizes that with the fast changing economic requirements, Malaysians abroad and foreign talent are an important source to complement Malaysians here to drive transformation. Thrust 3 is in relation to TalentCorp building networks of top talent by key sectors and geographies to better enable leading employers to engage and source needed talent.
- Malaysian talent represents our most precious resource and thus, the Government’s priority has always been on nurturing homegrown talent. Likewise, Malaysian homegrown talent will be TalentCorp’s priority. I am encouraged that today’s showcase includes various initiatives involving public and private collaboration on Malaysian talent.
- The focus on young talent for public private collaboration is apt. In terms of engaging fresh graduates entering employment, TalentCorp sets out a 3 prong approach:
- to create awareness of job and career opportunities;
- to enhance the transition from school to workplace, such as through internships, and
- through platforms to optimize talent, such as the management of Government scholars.
- I am pleased to note that TalentCorp and the Ministry of Higher Education are in collaboration together with leading companies in the private sector in the area of career awareness and internships. With respect to career awareness, it is commendable that leading organisations have agreed to contribute content to enrich the MyLinE portal, a self-directed learning resource founded by UTM.
- Industry driven content will help graduates gain an insight into both technical and soft skills required to prepare them for employment. This portal is currently accessible by all students from 20 public universities.
- Internships play a key role in giving undergraduates exposure to industry. During the Majlis Perundingan Pelajar Kebangsaan (MPPK) last year, student leaders called for greater exposure to careers in NKEA sectors. The Government listened and committed to 12,000 internship allocations. Today, TalentCorp’s collaboration with MoHE has delivered on providing these number of internship places.
- To promote the provision of high quality internship experiences, during the tabling of Budget 2012, the Government agreed to a tax incentive for a double deduction for approved structured internship programmes.
- Today, it gives me great pleasure that this incentive is further extended to encompass companies under the Petroleum Income Tax Act 1967 (PITA). This is to ensure that great internships are also provided by leading companies in the Oil & Gas sector.
- Last year, programmes jointly managed by TalentCorp benefited over 1000 undergraduates. One such programme is the FasTrack, which is a graduate upskilling programme targeted to increase the pool of R&D engineers for the Electronics industry.
- Another key area for the Government to optimize on its investments is in scholarship management. The Government believes investing in our future generation is pertinent to ensure their full potential is optimised. To this end, the Government has recently announced that purely on merit those attaining 9A+ plus and above in their 2011 SPM examination will receive bursaries and will be funded to university level subject to gaining entrance to a top global university.
- The privilege of scholarships however entails responsibility. Therefore, we encourage scholars to serve the nation, in line with priorities of the GTP and ETP. Currently, scholars who have not secured jobs within the public sector are released from their bond obligation. Beginning this year, I would like to announce the Government is collaborating with private sectors to find ways in serving their bond in Malaysia.
- In 2011, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) and TalentCorp had introduced the STAR and TAPS initiatives to enhance the management of scholars. I am confident that further collaboration between JPA and Talent Corp will help ensure better scholarship management towards leveraging on the substantial investment made by Government into scholars.
- In the global race for talent, countries and cities compete to attract, retain, and grow the best. Sufficient talent within an economy will lead to higher income, which in turn generates employment and contributes to vibrancy within the employment market. In terms of attracting and facilitating global talent, the approaches outlined by TalentCorp are as follows:
- by outreaching to Malaysians abroad;
- by facilitating returning talents, and
- by enhancing expatriate facilitation.
- TalentCorp is focusing efforts to ensure Malaysians abroad are well informed on the employment opportunities in Malaysia through the career fairs overseas. During the tabling of Budget 2012, the Government agreed to a tax incentive for a double deduction on expenses incurred by companies participating in approved career fairs. As per the internship incentive, I am pleased to announce that this incentive will also be expanded to include companies under the purview of PITA. With this announcement, companies within the Oil and Gas sector involved in upstream activities will benefit from this tax incentive when participating in such overseas fairs.
- In April of last year, I announced a revision to the Returning Expert Programme (REP) scheme, The REP scheme focuses on facilitating Malaysian professionals who are returning to contribute to the country. In 2011, 680 applicants were approved, which was more than double the previous year. The upward trend continues suggesting growing confidence amongst Malaysians abroad in the efforts of the Government to develop the economy. Beyond the statistics, REP has seen the return of notable Malaysians assuming the leadership of organisations like Malakoff Corporation Berhad, Tokio Marine, Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad as well as British India (Malaysia) just to name a few.
- Moving forward, TalentCorp seeks to develop a seamless and integrated end-to-end process to facilitate returning Malaysians. Whereas previously REP was driven by applications by individuals, TalentCorp will now gradually shift towards a company-centric approach whereby companies will apply for the scheme to complement their headhunting efforts.
- TalentCorp in collaboration with the Ministry of Health is committed towards facilitating the return of medical professionals. To this end, an MoU will be exchanged today between TalentCorp and the Ministry of Health to address among others issues on enabling returning medical professionals to register and practice in Malaysia.
- As Malaysia moves up the value chain, we face critical skill gaps in new areas generated within the NKEA sectors, for example Oil & Gas deep water drilling and other marginal fields. As such, while we work on improving our pool of domestic talent in these new areas, there is a need to reinforce and complement our talent pool with foreign talent. This infused diversity is critical to us, particularly in undertaking the ETP, to ensure continuous progress within the NKEA sectors.
- Since my last announcement on the Government immigration liberalisation policy during Talent Corporation launch in December 2010, many key initiatives have been undertaken. I would like to accord special recognition to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Immigration Department for driving innovations on expatriate-related matters.
- Top expatriates from leading companies have been granted the Residence Pass, a 10-year visa enabling them to reside and continually contribute to our economy. I am also pleased to note that several initiatives on employment pass liberalisation have also taken effect. This includes the introduction of Employment Pass Category II to facilitate employment of top foreign graduates in critical sectors.
- Last year indeed marked a significant milestone in the immigration liberalisation policy when the “i-Pass” was launched to facilitate ease of mobility for expatriates.
- The Government welcomes highly skilled foreign talent. With this in mind, I am pleased to announce that the Residence Pass will be extended to successful entrepreneurs who are actively engaged in knowledge-intensive activities in the National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs).
- The Residence Pass will also be made available to top expatriates with Malaysian ties, which, at any time, held a Malaysian passport; or is the child of a Malaysian. This enables them to maintain their linkage to Malaysia and provides greater flexibility to return.
- Among on-going plans, is the formation of an oversight committee to coordinate all expat-related policies and implementation for further innovations in services. This includes the aspiration to rebrand the Immigration Department’s Expatriate Services Division, and also to establish a premier service centre for leading companies in meeting their expatriate requirements.
- Moving forward, I strongly believe that collaboration between TalentCorp, the Ministry of Home Affairs along with the Immigration Department will yield further enhancements towards ensuring Malaysia secures the talent required to drive the ETP.
- Establishing networks of top talents is indeed a pertinent aspect in ensuring sufficient talent needs is met for the ETP. A talent network ensures a steady stream of talent is readily available at any point in time. To this end, TalentCorp sets out a 3 prong approach:
- building networks of future leaders;
- developing diaspora networking platform, and
- engaging the expatriate community.
- Peter Drucker observed that the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn. Motivated by this question of “how best to learn”, especially in the context of the middle management, the initial idea of the Cross Assignment Programme was mooted by Khazanah Nasional Berhad in 2007.
- Aimed to build a new cadre of high performing business leaders, the Cross Assignment Programme provides selected high performers in GLCs with greater exposure and leadership developmental roles via an exchange programme between GLCs and the public sector. In January 2012, the management of the this programme has been placed under the purview of TalentCorp which will function as Secretariat of the Programme, in partnership with the JPA.
- There is a Chinese proverb that says that no matter how high a tree grows, its leaves will fall to its roots. In my engagement with fellow Malaysians worldwide, I find many still have strong emotional bond with Malaysia and despite not physically present in the country, they are still very much “anak Malaysia”. As such, I feel a sense of responsibility not only to the Malaysians in Malaysia but Malaysians everywhere. Our door is always open to welcome Malaysians who would like to contribute either by returning home or from abroad. As evidenced by the TalentCorp/MDeC-Silicon Valley Workshop which was held in October 2011, this event saw a gathering of the best minds from Silicon Valley and selected MsC companies which provided platforms for the exchange of knowledge, ideas as well as explore partnership opportunities. There is another workshop planned in 2012, due to overwhelming response from participants.
- Malaysia has a growing number of expatriates who are employed and reside here together with their families. Through outreaches to expatriates within Malaysia and to expatriates who have been offered jobs within Malaysia, ultimately, TalentCorp envisions linking not only with expatriates in Malaysia but those abroad as well.
- Becoming a high-income nation will involve the creation of modern jobs within the Malaysian economy. Indeed this is no easy feat but together we will forge on to achieve our vision. Let’s ensure our aspiration of becoming a high-income nation is realized qualitatively to raise the tangible living standards of individual Malaysians.
- I have a dream! A dream of Malaysia as a global talent hub. I believe that Malaysia existing competitive advantage, coupled with the Government’s Structural Reforms as well as TalentCorp’s initiatives equals to a Global Talent Hub.
- However, I alone cannot realize this dream, and so I need each and every one of your to walk with me in this journey to bring transformation and the light of hope to all Malaysians.
The Malaysian success story
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Talent Is Vital To Attain Vision 2020.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Launch of Talent Roadmap 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Strategic Thrust 1: Optimise Malaysian Talent
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Creating Awareness
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Enhance Transition from School to Workplace
Build Platforms to Optimise Talents
With fast changing talent needs, the Government needs to focus on upskilling requirements by leading companies. I would like to announce that TalentCorp and the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) will collaborate and coordinate upskilling programmes for graduates to ensure resources invested according to our priority sectors. The upskilling programmes are projected to benefit close to 10,000 students per annum and involve an allocation of about RM200 million per annum across various ministries.
Strategic Thrust 2: Attract And Facilitate Global Talent
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Outreach to Malaysians Abroad
Facilitate Returnees
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Enhance Expatriate Facilitation
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Strategic Thrust 3: Build Networks of Top Talents
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Building Network Of Future Leaders
Develop Diaspora Networking Platform
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Engage Expatriate Community
Malaysia’s Aspirations Towards Vision 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen,
With the recital of the holy words “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, I take great pleasure in launching TalentCorp’s Talent Roadmap 2020.
Thank you.
Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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